[ESS] Metabolites & Impurities

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[ESS] Metabolites & Impurities

[ESS] Metabolites & Impurities

어스바이오는 ESS 한국 공식 대리점으로서 모든 제품을 전문적으로 취급 및 공급하고 있습니다.
ESS의 Metabolites & Impurities 제품을 소개드립니다.

[ESS] Metabolites & Impurities "(R)-Darifenacin Hydrobromide" 제품 소개

(R)-Darifenacin Hydrobromide

Name: (R)-Darifenacin Hydrobromide
Lot#: GR-17-265
Test Date: 10/27/2022 (re-test date: 10/27/2027)
CAS No: 1092800-15-1
MF: C28H31BrN2O2
MW: 507.46
Appearance: Beige Solid
Purity: 97.9% by HPLC (average of two sample preparations); 100% ee by chiral HPLC
1H-NMR: Conforms (contains a trace of 2-butanone and 1.5% of MTBE)
MS-ESI (+): Conforms (shows peak at m/z = 427.24 [M(free base)+H] +)
Storage: Store at 0-5oC in a dry place away from direct sunlight

[ESS] Metabolites & Impurities "1-(3-Trifluoromethyl)phenyl-2-propanol" 제품 소개


Name: 1-(3-Trifluoromethyl)phenyl-2-propanol (Fenfluramine HCl Impurity)
Lot#: GR-15-023
Test Date: 06/26/2020 (re-test date: 06/26/2025)
CAS No: 621-45-4
MF: C10H11F3O
MW: 204.19
Appearance: Colorless oil
Purity: 99.1% by HPLC
MS-ESI (+): Conforms (shows peaks at m/z = 186.7 [M-H2O+H]+) and 226.7 [M+Na] +)
Storage: Store at 0-8oC in a dry place away from direct sunlight

[ESS] Metabolites & Impurities "2-O-Desmethyl Cisapride" 제품 소개

2-O-Desmethyl Cisapride

Name: Cis-4-amino-5-chloro-N-[1-[3-(4-flurophenoxy)propyl]-3-methoxy-4- piperidinyl]-2-hydroxybenzamide (Cisapride Impurity 8; CQ RC 10)
Lot#: GR-16-253
Test Date: 12/02/2021 (re-test date: 12/02/2026)
CAS No: 102671-04-5
MF: C22H27ClFN3O4
MW: 451.92
Appearance: Off-white solid
Purity: 95.9% by HPLC (average of two sample preparations)
1H-NMR: Conforms (shows a mixture of rotamers stabilized by an intramolecular Hydrogen Bond)
MS-ESI (+): Conforms (shows peaks at m/z = 452.16 and 454.16 [M+H] +; exhibits the expected pattern for mono- chlorinated compounds)
Storage: Long term store at 0 - 5o C in a dry place away from direct sunlight

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